Monday, October 01, 2007

The one and only true real solution to L.A traffic right now: lanesplitting on a motorcycle

This guy, who goes by the name of "adamthelizard" on YouTube, and who has graciously allowed us to use his video here, is a Master Lanesplitter and he shows us how it's done on this cool video of his.

It may look dangerous, it may look risky, it may seem reckless, but from what I hear (comments on YouTube), it is perfectly legal (as it is to ride the motorcycle on the car pool or HOV lane), and HE ROCKS!

And he's ahead of the pack. One of the things that the panelists at the L.A. Press Club talked about (video entries to be posted soon), and priced above all else, was/is MOBILITY. Mobility is the one thing that L.A. traffic has reduced almost to zero. Well, "adamthelizard" show us that NOTHING -- traffic or no traffic -- absolutely NOTHING (except traffic lights, of course!) stands in the way of his mobility.

He rocks! Check it out:

Lanesplitting in Los Angeles [From: adamthelizard]

If you'd rather ride a Vespa (scooter) or a bicycle, see our post:
WHY L.A. traffic sucks: OPEN DISCUSSION #4: "I only ride my bike in LA"/The Italian Solution

Make it viral. Make it vital. Spread the word...

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